Wednesday 17 November 2010

Code And Conventions Of Horror

Generic Conventions:
  • Victim has innocent look.
  • Set in quiet place. House, Warehouse etc.
  • Male and Female victims.
  • Killers identity is normally hidden.
  • Suspicious person - Hotel Owner, Neighbour etc.
  • Low key lighting.
  • Shadows and suspicious dark shapes.
  • High angle and low angle shots.
  • Close-ups of victims scared reactions and emotions.
  • Medium shots.
  • Long shots.
  • Reflections in mirrors.
  • Usually dark - set at night.
  • Woods and forests.
  • Knifes.
  • Blood.
  • Fire.
  • Violence.
  • Suspense.
  • Thriller.
  • Gore.
  • Some humour.
  • Isolated area - no one to help.
  • Whenever there is a group of people, you always get the one annoying person who messes things up and is hysterical.
  • Twists

1 comment:

Miss Kelley said...

Good start but you need to do some specific textual analysis of other films