Tuesday 30 November 2010

Textual Analysis of Saw 3D Opening

The film starts with quite sharp, screechy music. It starts quiet and gets louder as the titles 'A Lionsgate Release' zooms into view. This makes it sound like the titles zooming into view as the music fits in with the speed of it coming onto the screen. You can hear sounds that sound like knifes scraping on metal. This gives it a scary feel. The background of the titles looks like a long dark metal tube with little bits of light here and there giving the impression that maybe someone is inside something like a drain and there is a couple of holes in which light is seeping through. There are blood splatters on the screen showing that it is a scary film that will have loads of blood and gore. The titles are white and have a bright glowing effect. Some of the letters sometimes light up a bit more and flashes of white bright light feels the screen in certain areas.The letters now and then start shaking fast, almost as if an electrical current is running through them. To add to this there is also a slight sound of fuzzing electricity whenever they shake of light up. As the titles have first appeared on screen they stay there for a while and slowy start moving towards the screen. When you can first read them, you hear a non-diegetic voice over of Jigsaws voice. Whilst the titles are on screen he says "Hello Mr Hindell. Or as your friends called you around the hospital..." after he says that there is a slight pause in which the camera zooms down the pipe, past the titles and towards the darkness. As the screen goes completely black and the music pauses for a second, he then finishes with "Zepp." The music then kicks back in at quite a fast tense pace whilst a clip appears on screen that doesn't completely feel the screen. This is a kind of flashback that isn't from someone in the movies point of view. The reason why it isn't like other flashbacks where there may be a slightly different colour or in slow motion and with the sound being quite odd and quiet is because it is just a reminder of the end of the first film as it is relevent to know for the film. The small screen shows you that it is not part of the new film. It goes through the scene quite fast, skipping unimportant little parts so that you can understand the main point. At the end of this very quick clip, Jigsaw closes the door to Adam which then makes the screen go black and the music quietens down and is just a slight bit of music in the background which then carries it on to the next clip. This separates this part from the next part of the film which is when it actually properly starts. As the clip is about to come onto the screen the music gets slightly louder and sounds quite sharp and fierce as the clip suddenly appears. The music is very tense at this point but not fast, just quite breezy sounding. In the clip we see a medium shot of a green looking floor. Across the middle of it is a very wide smear of blood. In the blood is part of a bit of material soaked in blood which looks like a T-shirt. To the sides of the smear is a couple of spots and small smears of more blood as well as a bloody handprint to the right. The lighting is quite low and green looking which gives the illusion of it being quite sickly and ill looking. As the clip starts the camera immedietly starts tracking along the trail of blood. As the camera tracks along, we see more of the T-shirt and more bloody handprints. The tracking shot and the line of blood makes you feel like you are following or looking for someone/thing, as the blood is leading towards it. You can hear noises that sound like something scraping along the floor as well as the sounds of someone breathing quite heavily and struggling. Eventually, as the camera is tracking along the blood trail, you then see, at the top of the screen, a blood covered foot and to the right of it a black piece of material dragging along the floor in the blood. We see that there is a person dragging themselves across the floor. We then see more titles like the first ones. This time we can here some noises that sound a bit like water dropping on the floor slowly. When the shot goes back onto the person, we now see a medium high angled shot looking down onto the bottom half of a person. They are led on the floor and you can now clearly see that the blood trail is coming from the right leg. The light is still green giving out an ill look and most of the light is coming from the top left corner. The light highlights part of the persons left side, so you can clearly see his bent left leg and side. The injured leg is in the dark keeping what has happened and how it looks a mystery for the moment. The camera than pans up to reveal the rest of the persons body as they crawl and struggle to move across the floor. The floor looks hard and cold and represents how the person if feeling. The person now and then grabs the wall with his right arm which you see is also covered with blood. The music is still quiet and tense with a few 'tings' that sound like they are being slowly played on a keyboard. the music sounds echoey, which make it fit in with the room. The room he is in is from what you can see a long corridor. The walls looks hard and cold just like the floor and look like they are made from stone or brick. The sound fits with this room as it looks quite big so that any noises would bounce off the walls and echo around the place. This also gives the impression that the guy is alone in this place and also that it may be a abandoned. This automatically signifys that the film is a horror as the setting is dark and cold looking, and an injured character is alone. The tracking camera could give the impression that it is a point of view of someone following the man but doesn't need to rush as the man can't really go anywhere because of his injury. This makes the audience feel quite scared as they don't know if the guy is actually alone or if he isn't and is in danger as well as being badly injured. We then see some more titles. Just like before, as the titles go away and the camera zooms down the dark pipe, the screen goes black for a second and we then see a long shot of a corridor. As soon as we see the shot we see a hand appear on the floor from behind a wall. In the middle of the screen the walls are very dark and you can't see anything. This signifys that it is a scary place. There is a light on the wall in the top right corner, highlighting the wall in which you can see is very filthy with loads of cracks in it. The edge of the light is framed in green which also connotes that it is quite sick feeling. There is a slight bit of light on the wall to the far left, highlighting a pipe, showing that it isn't in a house but in some kind of warehouse or basement. The third section of light is in the bottom middle of the screen. From this bit of light you see a section of the floor and the edge of the wall in which the hand is coming from, so the light is also highlighting the hand. The camera tracks towards the wall and hand, as the man starts to appear from round the wall and into the light. The light could connote that there is hope for him as well as it finally revealing who is whereas before it was a mystery. As he crawls along we see that he is covered in blood and is wearing a white t-shirt with blood stains and is wet. His hair looks wet with sweat and his face is pale. The camera tracks along until we see a medium close up with the guy looking beyond the camera. His face is extremely white, signifying that he has lost a lot of blood. The light is now highlighting the right of his face, still keeping part of him in the dark. The blood on his t-shirt is highlighted showing that it is a horror film and there is a lot of green tinge on parts of his face, body and on the walls. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt and black trousers which shows that as well as being casual he was probably taken whilst at work or after work, signifying he has a good job. This signifys that he is a nice, innocent man who is one of the victims of the film.

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