Tuesday 30 November 2010

Textual Analysis of Saw 6 Opening

The film starts with quite scary, screeching music. It sounds like knives and metal. The titles are in a white font that flashes neon blue and looks like a light bulb flashing on and off. It has a black background with what looks like barbed wire and also some red bits that could be blood connoting that that is what is in the film.
This then goes on to show a room just like what the titles represent. A dark, old room with a flashing bulb. After the titles it starts to show close ups of things and then goes onto more titles. This is setting the scene and showing the gruesomeness of things.

The first shot of the room starts un-focused and then focuses onto some round metal object, behind a wired fence, that looks quite intimidating. It being unfocused at first could represent the person waking up in the room and you almost feel like it is you who is in the room. The camera then pans slightly to the right and there is a pull focus onto someone's hand with a big bug on it. This adds to the disgustingness of the whole atmosphere but as you think that is disgusting it is nothing compared to what is coming up.

After more titles there is then a tracking shot going along a black wall to then show a long shot of the back of a women sat down with something on her head. You only see a small bit of the room to the right with two thirds of the screen just on the black wall. This could give the impression that the women is being watched and someone is peering round the wall at her. Behind the women is a very tall, dirty looking, metal table with an object on it. You see the wired fence again so you know that the metal object you saw previously is behind it.

There is then more titles. As more titles come up more blood is on the letters. This could represent what is going to happen in the film as people will be fine and then begin to shed more and more blood.

We then see the first shot again. We see a shot with a narrow depth of field with the hand in the foreground in focus and the metal object in the background out of focus. The bug is now crawling along the hand and the hand begins to move. This signifies that the person is now waking up. This then changes to a medium close up shot of the womens head tilted over still. It pans round her slightly and you see her shoulder shake up and down so you know she is still shaking off the bug. You now see the thing on her head a lot clearer. We see a large metal thing attached to her head that doesn't look pleasant. We see some more of the table. We can see a yellowy coloured tube to the right and part of a small chain to the left. She is wearing a blue shirt which could suggest that she was taken whilst at work on on her way to or from it. There is very little lighting in this shot with a slight bit of key light coming from the right and focusing on the women. Her right side is easy to see where her left side is quite dark. The contraption on her head is well lit on top but her face isn't so most of the focus is on the contraption. There is a few streaks of light on the back wall with the only light on the table on the chain and tube. This lighting is only on specific things and everything else is very dark and you cannot see it. This light is highlighting the only important things for this shot. It then once again shows the close up of her hand and you see her finally flick the bug on the floor.

We then see another tracking shot. It starts with a close up of the right on the table (left when looking at the women). We see a few objects neatly laid straight on it. To the right we see a knife. In the middle we once again see the chain. it is very long and in the middle it is all bunched up in a pile. We do not see where it starts or ends and we do not know what it is attached to, if anything. To the left of the shot we see a meat cleaver. We can slightly see a big metal ring attached to the end of each object giving the impression that the chain may be attached to them. The knives connote that there is going to be something quite gruesome coming up. There is very little light in this shot. There is backlight coming from near the women and some key light coming from the right but the objects are mainly dark.

The shot then tracks up and slightly to the left and we see a small glimpse of the tube and the back of the women.

We then once again see another tracking shot. It starts as a medium close up of the women to her right side. Her hand is moving towards her head and we hear her heavy breathing. In this shot there is a lot less light. Her face is completely blacked out and most things are very dark. There is some filler light on the top of the contraption and once again on the chain. This also is to highlight the important parts of the shot. As is tracks around the back of her she notices the contraption and you hear her loud gasp and she then grabs the contraption. As her hand is getting closer to her head her hand is very well lit as it is the main focus.

The tracking shot then switches to her right side and starts t track round her clockwise again. We see key light on her hand and the contraption once again to make it stand out. Her face is still unidentified. As she is grabbed onto the contraption her head then looks up with the light straight on it and you see her face for the first time. As her head goes up you hear a tense, fast sound. It sounds a bit like a loud metal door opening quite far away but you can still here the echo.

After this the light is mainly on her face showing her expressions as she has just realised is isn't home.

Throughout this first minute to the film there is quiet, tense music playing. It sounds creepy and is quite quiet like an echo. It fits with the room as it quite big and old. It sounds a bit like a breeze echo around the room. It connotes that it is quite a tense and creepy scene.

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