Tuesday 30 November 2010

Textual Analysis of Scream Opening

I based my film mainly on the opening of Scream as it has a very similar opening. The film starts with a black screen and some tense music. You can hear something that sounds like wolves howling within the music. Then you hear a phone ringing as the word 'Scream' shrinks into the middle of the screen. As it gets to the right size, you hear a loud bang that sounds like a gun going off or maybe a door banging shut. After then you then hear a slight heartbeat. As you hear the heartbeat, a red light flashes around the letters, in time to it. This all builds up the suspensful and tense atmosphere. Then, the same as before when the letters were stretched out on the screen and then slammed together, the word 'Scream' in red then shrinks and slams on top of the white one. As this happens you hear screaming and another bang as it gets the the right size. This one sounds more like a knife slicing at something or hitting something metal. The letters then come towards the camera, the heartbeat and screaming still going, and you then see a medium close-up of a phone ringing on a small round, brown coffee table. The heartbeat carries on going until a hand reaches out and picks up the phone. As the phone is being picked up, the camera pans up - following the phone as it does - to a girls face. The girl is then showed in a medium close-up as she answers the phone. The girl is wearing a creamy coloured knitted jumper. This could show she is quite casual, but also shows that she is innocent and pure. The walls are also white, also showing her purity. To the left of her is a bookshelf filled with loads of books. This could suggest that she is quite intelligent and has a lot of knowledge. The room is quite light and to the right of the bookcase is a lit lamp, The lamp is causing a circle of light to shine onto the wall and ceiling which is right above the girls head. This makes her look angelic and innocent, almost as if it were a halo. Whilst she is on the phone in her house you can hear the slight sounds of crickets and ambience, giving away that it is night time and very quiet outside. When the phone rings again you once again see a medium close-up of the table as she grabs the phone. Once again the camera pans from the phone, to a medium shot of the girl. This time the camera is at a slight dutch angle. This signifys that something isn't right with the phone ringing again and that something is going to happen, linking to the phone call. Once again the light from the lamp is creating a halo above her head but this time you can see the back doors to the left. This makes the audience think, "Is the killer out there?" and creates suspense to hook them into the film. The camera then tracks along towards the girl and turning more to the left. This then gets rid of the lamp and bookcase and you start to see more and more of the dark back doors. Eventually, all that is behind the girl is the dark doors and windows. This could represent that she has gone from being safe and is now going into danger and that something is going to happen to her. As she puts down the phone and walks off the camera stays on the doors for about a second, making the audience feel as if there really is someone out there staring in. There is then a cut away of a tree outside in the dark. You can hear the ambient sounds. The camera pans down from the tree to show a big, white house. This makes the place look quite scary and the audience can see that there is quite a big space of emptiness around the house. It also makes the house look like an abandoned haunted house, because of the quietness outside of it. There is a swing attached to a branch in the tree that is slightly swinging. This could show her childish side as she has a swing in the garden. The fact that it is swinging could represent the lonliness in the house and the emptiness in the garden.

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