Wednesday 3 November 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation

I think my video went quite well. We included many different shot types, including high angle, low angle, dutch angle and close ups. We had a problem when changing to the dutch angle as it was of the same scene as the clip before so we ended up with a jump shot. We solved this problem by removing the clip before the dutch angle as it wasn't a very important clip. From this task I learnt about more shot types and I learnt what the 180 degree rule was. We broke this rule as we had a shot showing my right shoulder and Joshs left shoulder. The shot then changed and showed my left and Joshs right. We include a match on action when I passed Josh the phone with the photo of Mr Palmer.
If we were to do this again I would make sure we didn't break the 180 degree rule and also include shot reverse shot as we forgot to include this.

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