Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question Two

My character 'Phoebe' in my film is represented as a 'Madonna'. She is quite similar to Drew Barrymore's character in scream. Both characters have they're hair down and are wearing a plain long sleeve top, this makes them look innocent rather than like a whore. Both characters are home alone in the opening of the film and are just going about their business before being brutally murdered. The difference between the two is that Phoebe is a very big character throughout the film, despite her death and also the killer is her doppelganger. Also you then find out that Phoebe wasn't really murdered. Drew Barrymore's character Casey is mentioned during the film but doesn't play a big part in it after her death. Another difference is that Casey speaks to the killer during the film and you can see a lot of her personality from the opening sequence. You learn that she likes scary movies and that she is friendly even to strangers who keep ringing her. You see a lot of emotion come from her near the end of the scene. In my film, Phoebe doesn't speak much and you don't really learn much about her or her personality.

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