Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question Four

The target audience for my film will be teenagers from the age of 18-25. The audience for a horror movie has quite a qide range as allsorts of teenagers enjoy watching them. Teenage boys may enjoy watching horror films for the blood and gore where teenage girls may watch them at sleepovers for a fun, scary night. My film will focus more on targeting teenage girls as the main character and killer are girls and girls will have more power in my film. Also the girl in the film is a Madonna rather than a whore which is what would attract a male audience to the film. So, instead this will attract more girls to the film. The type of programmes some who is a fan of horror films may watch would include programmes about vampires like 'The Vampire Diaries' or 'True Blood'. A stereotypical target audience for a horror film could be a goth as they are quite dark like horror films. They would listen to metal and rock music as they are also featured in horror films like in the credits of some 'Saw' films. Here is my earlier posts about my Target Audience: and Film Certificate:

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