Tuesday 5 October 2010

Theory of Propp

Propp said that all films follow the same narrative structure and that all the characters have a purpose to the film. Propp's theory of narrative involved 8 different types of characters:

The Villian - Against the hero. Causes trouble.

The Donor - Prepares the hero or gives them a magical object to help them defeat the villian.

The Helper - Helps the hero in his quest.

The Princess (The Prize) - The hero should be with her but cannot because of unfair evil, usually because of the villian. The Hero marries the princess when he has defeated the villian.

Princesses Father - Gives the Hero his task. Rewards him by letting him marry his daughter.

The Dispatcher - Sends the Hero on his quest.

The Hero - Saves the day. Marries the princess, does the task for the Princesses Father.

The False Hero - Takes credit for what the Hero does and/or tries to marry the Princess.

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