Friday 7 January 2011

Shot List

Long Shot (Establishing Shot)- Outside of a house at night.

Tracking Shot - A wall in a house covered in photos and paintings.

Medium Shot - Girl in kitchen. Walks towards the counter and reaches out.

Close-up - Picks up knife.

Medium Shot - Cutting cucumber.

Close-up - Cutting cucumber.

Medium Close-up - Girls face, opens bread bin. "Damn no rolls." Starts to close bread bin.

Over the shoulder shot- Closing bread bin.

Close-up - Girls side. Holds knife by side.

Medium close-up - Side of girls face. "Ah, they're in the freezer."

Close-up - Puts knife on counter.

Medium shot - Walks to back door. Opens door.

Very long shot (Handheld camera) - Steps outside, walks towards garage.

Medium Shot - Walks towards garage door. Opens door and turns on light.

Close-up - Bushes rustling in dark.

Medium shot - Walks towards freezer. Opens freezer.

Close-up - Back door opened.

Over the shoulder shot - Takes rolls out of freezer.

Medium shot - Walking out of garage.

Close-up - Knife taken from counter.

Medium shot - Walks back into house. Heads for kitchen.

Close-up - Phone rings.

Medium close-up - Answers phone. Hears bang and looks up.

Medium shot - Walks out of kitchen. Walks slowly towards back door, someone says "Boo." Girl jumps and turns around.

Close-up - Killer holding knife by side.

Medium shot- Girl looks down at knife.

Close-up - Killer lifting knife and stabbing girl.

Medium shot - Girl hunched over in pain. Looks at hand.

Close-up - Hand covered in blood.

Medium shot - Girl clutches stomach and looks at killer.

Tracking shot (to medium shot) - Killer revealed. Killer looks down at dying girl.

Medium shot - Shows floor. Girl falls (not in shot) and hand appears in shot.

I used close-ups when the killer was rustling the bushes/opening the door/taking the knife as it keeps it mysterious as to who the killer is. This is a convention of horror although at the end of the opening the killer is revealed whereas in most horror films the killer isn't revealed til the end of the film or not at all.

I used the very long handheld shot the give the impression that the girl was being watched and that the audience would assume that it was the killer watching her from the garden.

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