Wednesday 9 March 2011


I have had a few problems with the length of my opening as when I finished adding all my clips the duration was 4 minutes and 10 seconds. To sort this out I am re-filming some clips that are too long and also cutting down some clips which lasted too long.

Update - After adding some newer clips and the Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures opening the film was then too long again. I got rid of the Lionsgate opening and am once again cutting down some clips. I have managed to get it from 3 minutes 48 to 2 minutes 59. I then had to cut down even more so I took out the scene where I walk from the kitchen over to the window, look out, then walk towards the back door. I also cut out some of the phone scene and some parts at the beginning with the cucumber and managed to get it to 2 minutes 20.

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