Tuesday 28 September 2010

Types of Shots

This is a two shot. It is used when two people need to be shown at the same time. This can include conversations. It also shows the relationship between the two characters as you can see their body language towards eachother.

This is a medium shot. It shows the top half of a persons body. It is used to show what a person is doing with their arms if they are not walking or doing anything with their legs so the only thing you need to see is their arms.

This is a long shot. You can see her whole body and everything she is doing. This shot helps you see what the person is doing and a bit of what is happening around them.

This is a very long shot. You can see her whole body and her surroundings. This shot helps you see what the person is doing and what is happening around them.

This is a big close up. This shot helps you see the persons facial expressions alot clearer and helps you know how the person is feeling.

This is a medium close up. You can see the persons face clearly but can also see their shoulders. This is used to see the persons facial expressions but also see what they may be doing with their arms.

This is an extreme close up. You can see her face very clearly. This is used to see a certain part of a persons face as they may be crying or smiling and it is the main focus so you can see it properly.

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